Vinyl Awning Window Solves a Problem in this Marion, Iowa Kitchen

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Awning Window Allows Fresh Air Even if it Rains
Awning Window Allows Fresh Air Even if it Rains

Home Town Restyling installed 4 new windows in the Marion, Iowa home of John and Anita Wilkinson. A vinyl awning window, two double hungs and a new bay window.  Although they love all the windows, the kitchen window presented a certain challenge.

The kitchen sink window is often hard to open because the sink projects in over 24” and that makes it difficult for most people to reach over the sink and operate a double hung or sliding window. Cleaning the kitchen window posed a serious challenge for Mrs. Wilkinson who had  to crawl into the kitchen sink to accomplish this task.

The window Mrs Wilkinson had over her sink was a twin vent casement which did allow for easy opening, but with the center post and grids it made looking into the back yard difficult. Ray Goodall at Home Town Restyling has faced this challenge many times over his 18 years in the home improvement industry and knew immediately how to solve this problem.

Ray suggested a vinyl awning window over the kitchen sink for several reasons:

  • Ease of operation
  • Ease of viewing
  • Can be left open, even if it rains

The Wilkinsons are very pleased with the project citing the new bay window made the front living room which faces north on 29 Avenue,  a very busy street, much quieter and warmer.  The R4 ultra U glass locks out both the cold and noise from the street. Mrs Wilkinson absolutely loves her new window over the sink, stating ”it’s so easy to open and I love the fact that I can easily see my grandchildren playing in the backyard with no obstruction!”.

Call Home Town Restyling for expert solutions in solving your window problems:

Phone: 319-378-1221 or Toll Free: 800-397-0026